XCOM 2, the apocalyptic sequel to 2012’s XCOM: Enemy Unknown, will be released with native support for the Steam Controller. Valve and Firaxis (XCOM: Enemy Uknown) have worked together to integrate the hardware into the game, as well as unlock new features and ways to play the game. These features include:
- Changing control schemes to adapt to different in-game situations
- Selecting abilities instantly with the Steam Controller’s Touch Menus
- 1:1 control of camera movement using the touch pads of the controller
Firaxis has not included native Xbox or DualShock support, but this may be integrated by Firaxis later on or by a community member.
If you were looking for a Steam Controller, now would be the best time to pick one up considering XCOM 2 and the Steam Controller can be purchased together with a steep 40% discount for a limited time. The bundle has yet to show up on Steam, but it will probably show it’s face shortly after launch.
XCOM 2Â will be released on February 5th, and can be purchased through Steam here.
Published: Feb 4, 2016 11:33 pm