The Sleeping Dragon Statue is a landmark in the Hogwarts Castle. It’s right next to two different classrooms, Muggle Studies and Alchemy Class, but isn’t directly next to any Floo Stations, making it a little more out of the way when it comes to navigating the often winding castle. Once you memorize the route, however, it’s not too difficult to find your way there. Here’s where to find the Sleeping Dragon Statue in Hogwarts Legacy.
Note: For more information, check out our Hogwarts Legacy guides and features hub.
Directions to find the Sleeping Dragon in Hogwarts Legacy
Start at the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Station. Turn around and go through the first set of visible double doors.
Go down the short hall and to the right. You’ll come to a staircase.
Go down to the very bottom of this staircase and through the door at the end. It will take you to the start of another staircase.
All you have to do is follow this next staircase to the bottom, and you’ll find yourself right at the Sleeping Dragon Statue. You can use Revelio for a Field Guide page, but otherwise it doesn’t serve any significant purpose in the game to speak of. Still, at the least you found it, and can now find your way back to it anytime.
Hogwarts Legacy is available via Steam.
Published: Feb 22, 2023 7:00 PM UTC