The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom features many things for you to do in the vast open-world it offers. You can spend hours just wandering around this world, looking for a new shrine, another Skyview Tower, or even just a certain NPC you’re currently looking for. One of the earliest missions in the game, Crisis at Hyrule Castle, asks you to go and find Captain Hoz. You can head to the marker yourself, but he’s nowhere to be found at the seemingly only floor of the building with the marker. Worry not however, here’s our guide on where to find Captain Hoz in Tears of the Kingdom.
Where is Captain Hoz in Tears of the Kingdom
After descending from the skies of Hyrule and heading to Lookout Landing, Purah will ask you to go and find Captain Hoz. Here’s the simple steps on how to get to his location, and more importantly, find him once you get there.
First thing you’re going to want to do is leave Lookout Landing from the north side of the camp, and towards Hyrule Castle. After leaving the camp, you’re going to want to continue all the way until you reach Hyrule Castle’s gate.
Once arriving at Hyrule Castle’s gate, you’re going to want to proceed past it, whether this is in the form of climbing over it, building something to get over it, or simply just walking around the thin ground to the side of the gate, there’s plenty of options here.
After you have tackled the Castle gate in Tears of the Kingdom, Captain Hoz is only a single road away. This road is rather long, but you need to make your way to the end of this road, where you should find the First Gatehouse. Upon entering the First Gatehouse however, if you’re having the same experience that I did playing this mission, you’ll walk up to the marker and see that Captain Hoz is nowhere to be found.
Getting up to Captain Hoz
This is because Captain Hoz is on the floor above. Thanks to the freedom of Tears of the Kingdom, you have a few options here. You can go outside, and walk around to the other side of the building via the left-hand side, and you should find a staircase that takes you most of the way up to the floor Captain Hoz is on. If you do this method, as soon as you climb the stairs, make sure to jump/climb to your left and and climb up to the floor above.
Other methods you can take to find Captain Hoz in Tears of the Kingdom include building yourself a ramp to the floor above using the materials that are outside the First Gatehouse. This can take some time, but can be pretty fun.
There’s also the tried-and-tested method of just climbing up the building yourself, which is probably the fastest way to get up to the floor Captain Hoz is on, as it’s not that far of a climb.
Once you get up to the floor that has a large external area, which you can see in the image above, you’ll be on the same floor as Captain Hoz, and should be able to find him pretty easily.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available for purchase from the Nintendo Store.
Published: May 12, 2023 8:42 PM UTC