In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you need to acquire all sorts of monster bits in order to upgrade your armor to its maximum strength. One monster you’ll want to find is the Fire Keese, which proves quite rare the minute you need to find one. Here is our guide telling you where to find and farm Fire Keese in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Tears of the Kingdom – where to find and farm Fire Keese
The Fire Keese is a dangerous opponent, because if you let one catch you unawares, it will collide with you and deal severe flame damage. Fortunately, they’re rather easy to spot from a distance, especially at night. If you have a bow and arrows handy, you can take them out from a safe distance and eliminate the threat.
To find and farm Fire Keese, look in the areas around Death Mountain. They tend to favor hot climates in general, but you’re especially likely to find them close to the volcano, or in the mountainous areas northwest of its base.
My favorite way to find a few Fire Keese enemies is to fast travel to Sitsum Shrine, which is perched on the western slope of Death Mountain. Once I materialize, I will jump forward from the ledge, and then paraglide off toward the left. Continuing almost due south, I soon find a rocky ledge that overlooks an area where three Fire Keese circle in the air. I have not found a more convenient location to farm Fire Keese in the game. See the map screenshot above for a picture of that ledge’s precise location.
You can also sometimes find Fire Keese in some areas to northwest, in the Eldin Mountains, though they aren’t as common. After you tend to the ones near Sitsum Shrine, it might also be worth taking a trip into the Eldin Mountains Depths. If you have armor with powerful Flame Guard in place and metal weapons, you can explore the hotter regions where they are most likely to appear.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available for purchase from the Nintendo Store.
Published: Jun 20, 2023 10:52 PM UTC