Legendary Shards are about to face a massive change soon in Destiny 2. Bungie is planning to completely remove them from the game by the time The Final Shape releases. Along the way, you’ll see their uses dwindle. So here’s what you can do with Legendary Shards now while they’re still useful.
The best ways to use Legendary Shards in Destiny 2
If you’ve played Destiny 2 for long enough, you’ve probably accrued a lot of Legendary Shards over the years. It’s not unlikely that you’ve got a couple thousand stored away somewhere. But now’s the time to spend them if that’s the case since you may as well make the most of them now. Here are some of the best ways to spend your Legendary Shards:
- Upgrading or Masterworking weapons and armor
- Unlocking Exotics with Xur on weekends
- Purchasing Upgrade Modules from Banshee-44
- Buying Raid Banners
- Purchasing Enhancement Prisms, Enhancement Cores, and Ascendent Alloy from Rahool
Legendary Shards have plenty of uses throughout Destiny 2, to the point that I’m amazed that some players have multiple thousands of shards at the ready.
But there’s a reason Bungie is getting rid of them and it’s because they simply don’t have much value anymore. And the changes are coming sooner than you’d think since Season 23 will cut Legendary Shard costs from Engram Focusing.

How to farm Legendary Shards
With all that being said, Legendary Shards still have a purpose for new players who are progressing through Destiny 2’s content. So if you want to farm as many Legendary Shards as possible now, there’s one thing to do. Play through RItual Activities (Crucible, Vanguard, Gambit) as these reward you with plenty of Legendary and Exotic equipment. You can then dismantle these rewards in exchange for Legendary Shards.
Now I can’t promise you’ll get thousands of shards this way by the time Bungie axes them from the game. But by running through that content you’ll be able to earn enough to keep up with the power creep in each season. Once Legendary Shards are finally gone from Destiny 2 it’ll be both bittersweet and relieving to have one less thing to grind for in the game.
Published: Nov 27, 2023 3:03 PM UTC