Ubisoft love their lengthy gameplay/exposition trailers. All told, Ubisoft have probably released more hours of Assassin’s Creed 4 and Splinter Cell: Blacklist footage to the public than it’ll actually take to finish those respective games… and now they’re doing much the same with Watch Dogs!
This is the first in a “Gameplay Series”, explaining Watch Dogs‘ mechanics. Find out what ctOS is! Discover that you have to plant a virus on each district’s servers before you can use your magic hacking powers in that district! Learn about Focus mode, letting you slow down time so that you can actually time your hack powers properly while simultaneously doing other things, like raising barriers behind you just after you pass them at 90mph in a car!
It’s a pretty excellent showcase of what you can do in Watch Dogs. Give it a look below, and don’t forget that the game itself is out on my birthday (22 November, but you knew that) in Europe, and a few days earlier in the US.
Published: Aug 13, 2013 10:50 PM UTC