Call of Duty: Warzone Pacific Season Two began with new content for players to jump into. The roll out of new content continued throughout the season with the Rebirth Reinforced event, which allowed players to finally access the golden vaults. However, players began to notice that they were not earning the correct amount of battle pass XP for their matches. Thankfully, a patch has been deployed to fix the double battle pass XP issue in Warzone Pacific. Raven Software confirmed on April 20 that it has fixed the battle pass XP problem.
Raven Software is making up for lost battle pass XP while the problem was under investigation, as battle passes were leveling up much slower than intended, which caused frustrations, especially since we are so close to the new season. You will now be awarded the correct amount of battle pass XP for your matches in addition to being compensated for previous matches played while the XP bug was lurking around Warzone Pacific.
Making up for lost battle pass XP in Warzone Pacific
You may have already received your hard earned XP, as it began appearing for some players on April 19. If not, you must log in to Warzone Pacific before the end of Season Two on April 27 to make sure you get your XP. Also, every player who logged in to the battle royale during Season Two will receive not one but two one hour double battle pass XP tokens.
With the battle pass XP compensation and extra double battle pass XP tokens, you should still be able to complete your battle pass before Season Three begins. It is promising to see the Warzone Pacific double battle pass XP problem fixed so quickly. If you want to keep an eye on the other bugs Raven Software are working on, keep an eye their Trello Board.
Published: Apr 21, 2022 12:15 pm