The Bloomspawn is a type of mission objective in Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters. These enemies come in many forms, and they can be a challenge to take out. Here’s our Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters guide to help you destroy Bloomspawns and Bloomspawn Spreaders in various missions.
Note: For more information, check out our Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters guides and features hub.
Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters – Bloomspawn and Bloomspawn Spreader guide
There are a couple of mission types related to Bloomspawns in Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters. The first has two variants where you simply need to eliminate the target. The other also requires you to close spores that can cause the virus to spread.
Note: Even if a mission’s objective is to destroy the Bloomspawn, you’ll still encounter carriers, so make sure you farm seeds when you can.
Bloomspawn missions
Bloomspawn missions can have either of these two main targets: a regular caster enemy (i.e., Apostate Preacher) or the Bloomspawn structure itself. On both occasions, discovering the location of the target will create a Warp Rift which will spawn reinforcements next turn.
Here are some tidbits:
- The caster-type target will often spam spells that will buff nearby hostiles. You can expect increased resistances or more mutations.
- The structure will lob a projectile that does an AoE explosion if a Grey Knight is within its line-of-sight.
- Poisonous growths and other mobs will surround the target. If you can, lob a grenade to eliminate several enemies.
For both variants, your best bet is to hang back in a defensible position while waiting for enemies to get funneled in. You may also pop overwatch so your units can watch out for any new spawns from rifts. Likewise, you can use a Justicar or Paladin to soak some hits.
If possible, you can use an Interceptor to swoop in to melee the target. Moreover, the Librarian has the Gate of Infinity ability (or you can use the Strategem) which lets you teleport all teammates to the same spot. You can burst down the target to swiftly finish the mission.
Bloomspawn Spreader missions
The Bloomspawn Spreader target in Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters is significantly larger and tankier. Before you can reach it, though, try to interact with spores/vents that you’ll see while exploring the map. These have a small, circular icon, and they add an extra turn to the counter on the upper-left corner of your screen.
Note: If the counter reaches zero turns, you’ll fail the mission and the plague will spread all over that planet. Needless to say, this is going to be a race against time.
Here are a few more tidbits:
- The Bloomspawn Spreader lobs poisonous globules if there’s a Grey Knight in its line-of sight.
- There are usually more waves of reinforcements that will spawn as you’re attempting to destroy the target.
- A giant plant known as the Feculent Gnarlmaw is in the vicinity. Killing it isn’t required, but doing so will lower the Bloomspawn Spreader’s resistances. You could get an Interceptor to teleport and strike this structure, though try to be wary of other enemy groups nearby.
Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters is available via Steam. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.
Published: May 16, 2022 9:35 AM UTC