Mythic has released a series of questions and answers on the upcoming Live Event, The Wild Hunt, which will arrive on 31 August.
All players will be able to enter The Hunter’s Vale regardless of rank, wards or completed quests, the only restriction is it must be completed in the seven days that the event is running. Also, group composition is not important.
“The difficulty of this dungeon is more weighted toward figuring out how the encounter works rather than how hard the monsters hit. You don’t need to have the perfect group make-up. (Fun fact—when we ran through. The Hunter’s Vale during core testing, we completed the dungeon with a group that had three healers in it.)”
Mythic also hints that The Hunter’s Vale may become a full-time dungeon in the future, and even mentions that Wood Elves may be included in the game at some point.
See the full Grab Bag for more Q&As.
Published: Aug 10, 2009 12:58 pm