I don’t think we’ve written much about Mike Bithell’s Volume here at IncGamers, so let’s change that by popping up this video from the upcoming stealth title. It takes a look at the various enemies our protagonist Locksley will be having to sneak past.
Wait, Locksley? Is this some sort of Robin Hood thing? Apparently it is, yes. Except with a future-tech, sci-fi type twist. Locksley is less of a forest-dwelling bandit, and more of an infiltration expert, tasked with breaking into Gisborne Industries. They handle military contracts, so they’re pretty much automatically evil.
As a result, Volume’s collection of foes have suitably medieval tinged names (Knight, Rogue, even Turret if you place it in the context of castles,) but come with rather more advanced surveillance techniques.
Locksley never kills anybody, but will have a selection of tools including “Blackjacks, bugles, thunderclaps and veils” at his disposal.
Volume is due in 2015 and, like Bithell’s prior title Thomas Was Alone, will feature voice work by Danny Wallace. He’s somehow got Andy Serkis doing some vocal work as well, which is quite a coup.
Here’s the new video. It gives a pretty decent impression about the stylised future-crime worlds (of which there’ll be hundreds) Volume is aiming to portray.
Published: Jan 12, 2015 07:02 pm