While Taleworlds continue work on Mount & Blade 2, a talented modding team will be bringing a Viking Conquest expansion to Mount & Blade: Warband. I imagine this is an arrangement rather like Napoleonic Wars, where a quality mod for the main game was expanded into a full DLC release.
The people making Viking Conquest are the team behind a mod named Brytenwalda, which I can’t say I’ve played myself but must have had pretty solid pedigree.
For this expansion, the traditional Mount & Blade: Warband map will be transformed into that of Norway, Denmark and the British Isles. You’ll be able to involve yourself with 21 separate Kingdoms across six distinct cultures (including Vikings, Saxons, Picts and Irish Gaels) and meet upwards of 200 historical characters. Religion is said to play a pretty major role in party interactions, encompassing both Christianity and the Old Norse Gods.
Battle-wise, you’ll be purchasing and construction (even naming) your own ships for fleet combat and coastal raids. You’ll be contending with waves and storms too, which suggests the standard Mount & Blade: Warband engine has been tweaked a fair bit for this expansion.
That’s just a brief overview, but you can read a pretty comprehensive feature list for this upcoming expansion on the official page. A few screenshots from the DLC can be seen below. No release schedule for this yet, as far as I can tell.
Published: Oct 16, 2014 09:34 pm