There has been many a discussion over the last few months about the state of the gaming industry in the UK, and how it’s almost unfeasible for developers and publishers to set up camp here because of a raft of different reasons.
An event today in London, Raise the Game, set up by NESTA (The National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts) and in partnership with TIGA, Dare to be Digital and Crossover Innovation Labs will highlight the world class talent that is pooled here in the UK.
The event will cover everything from building a gaming business to implanting innovative ideas within the gaming industry and will see Rory Cellan Jones, the BBC’s technology correspondent, give a keynote speech on the changing attitudes in the gaming industry.
So if you’re around in Landan Tawn, then pop over and check it out. You’ll need an address: NESTA, 1 Plough Place, London, EC4 1DE.
Published: Jul 7, 2008 10:01 am