Sony has used its E3 2012 press event to unveil two new characters for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale; Nathan Drake from the Uncharted series and (perhaps more surprisingly), the Big Daddy/Little Sister combo from Bioshock. In additional news, the game was announced to be cross-compatible with the PlayStation Vita.
That cross-compatibility was demonstrated on stage, with a four-player match in which two players used PS3 and two others used Vita. The match itself was a three minute affair, showing off the gameplay from Battle Royale. Taking down the other players with ‘super attacks’ (built up through various levels as a meter) is the aim of the game, as only take-downs from super attacks register on the score board.
We got a look at Sweet Tooth’s level three super attack, which saw him don a large Twisted Metal style mech suit and blast everyone in sight. It wasn’t enough, however, as Fat Princess emerged victorious.
Footage to follow shortly.
Published: Jun 5, 2012 01:38 am