Eltharion the Grim, Warden of Tor Yvresse, and one of Ulthuan’s greatest defenders, stands proud. But, arrayed against him is none other than a force led by Grom the Paunch. The biggest, meanest goblin leads a Greenskin Waaagh! that’s set to cover the High Elf realm, not in mist, but in wanton destruction, gnawed bones, and the green tide. That’s what we can expect in Total War: Warhammer II – The Warden & The Paunch, the newest Lords Pack DLC. Here’s our guides and features hub to examine all the new content and help you out.
Note: Please be reminded that these guides were completed while playing Total War: Warhammer II‘s Eye of the Vortex campaign on VH/VH difficulty. However, many of the concepts and mechanics are still present in Mortal Empires.
Total War: Warhammer II – The Warden & The Paunch guides and features hub
Total War: Warhammer II – The Warden & The Paunch DLC announcement – Get to know the new legendary lords, as well as another FLC that’s part of a free update (Prince Imrik of Caledor).
Total War: Warhammer II – The Warden & The Paunch: Is it worth it? – After several hours of playing, here are some findings with regards to the DLC. The main question: is it worth your while?
Grom the Paunch campaign guide – Take your “Waaagh!” and smash your enemies. Here’s an overview of Grom the Paunch’s campaign mechanics.
Grom’s Cauldron recipes and Food Merchant – Grom is hungry for both food and victory. Here’s a list of the recipes you can obtain all over Total War: Warhammer II‘s campaign map.
Grom’s unique items and quest battle – Why settle for items made by stupid gits when you can get unique ones for your krumpin’?
Eltharion the Grim campaign guide – The Warden of Tor Yvresse has to defend his lands and his people. Here’s a look at Eltharion’s campaign mechanics.
Eltharion’s Athel Tamarha upgrades – Learn about Eltharion’s base of operations, its upgrades, and interrogation using the Warden’s Cage mechanic.
Eltharion’s unique items and quest battle – Your journey may take you away from Ulthuan, but you’ll be able to obtain a few neat items along the way.
Final battle: The Siege of Tor Yvresse – The Warden & The Paunch are set to duke it out in a rematch of epic proportions.
Greenskins faction overhaul – A free update that coincides with the release of The Warden & The Paunch DLC makes a lot of changes to the Greenskins “Waaaagh!” mechanic. We’ll also see the usage of scrap as a resource to upgrade your units.
Imrik, the Dragon Prince of Caledor campaign guide – The free update also includes Prince Imrik of Caledor in Total War: Warhammer II‘s version of “How to Tame Your (Star) Dragon.”
Imrik’s Dragon Encounters – There are five unique dragons for you to battle. If you’re successful, you’ll get awesome loot and the dragons will join your armies.
Imrik’s unique item and quest battle – During your campaign, you’ll be able to obtain the Armor of Caledor.
Total War: Warhammer II – The Warden & The Paunch is available on Steam. You can purchase the DLC for $8.99.
Published: May 21, 2020 12:00 PM UTC