The Elixir and the Scrolls of Hekarti
Malus can use an elixir to remove 10 points of possession. But, this cost will accumulate over time depending on how many turns have passed. At the start of your Total War: Warhammer 2 campaign, you’ll only spend 450 gold or so. Around turn 30, this will cost around 1,300 gold. To get rid of the cost, you’ll need to collect Scrolls of Hekarti and send these shipments to Malekith. At the end of the whole ordeal, Malekith will let you chug on those elixirs for free.
The Scrolls of Hekarti are marked on specific locations on the map. If you capture the settlement, you can construct a landmark known as the Temple of Hekarti. It can also be upgraded further, allowing it to accumulate more scrolls over time.
Note 1: You can also gain Scrolls of Hekarti by completing various missions or searching ruins.
Note 2: Total War: Warhammer 2‘s Vortex campaign victory requires Malus to have 1,500 turns at the start of his turn. You’ll also need to complete the Rise of Darkness final battle. The Scrolls of Hekarti mechanic is not present in Mortal Empires, and you’re mostly out there to conquer warlords in the Southlands.
As mentioned earlier, this will be akin to the Vortex race mechanics of other factions. Each given shipment/threshold requires several scrolls that have been collected. These thresholds are at 60, 500, 1,500, 3,000, and 5,000. Completing the final shipment of a whopping 5,000 scrolls will let you consume elixirs for free.
But, there’s also a challenge that can get in the way. Your shipment can get “blocked” by a random hostile Skaven army that spawns. A mission will be issued once this happens, and you’ll need to kill a leader of that army to “send” the shipment successfully.
The wacky rat-men spawns
Here’s the fun (and annoying) part: you don’t have any control when it comes to these spawns. In the race for the Vortex, you can anticipate when intercepting armies might pop up, and that’s usually when you begin a ritual. In Malus’ case, since you’re accumulating scrolls each turn, you might find yourself reaching a shipment threshold and not being ready for it.
I’ve added an example down below, and that’s a couple of turns after the 500 scrolls shipment got readied. A couple of doomstacks from Clan Mors popped up and cleaned house, and I couldn’t bring my armies in time. Needless to say, this led to a quick reload:
The idea, therefore, is to make sure that you’ve got a couple of armies ready and waiting once opposing forces spawn. This can mean anticipating where they’d be a couple of turns prior to having a shipment ready. Since these armies will spawn inland, your Black Ark admirals can’t help you either.
Keep progressing further and continue capping more settlements that allow you to gather Scrolls of Hekarti. You might even make it close to where Deathmaster Snikch is lounging by. Eventually, you’ll be able to start the Rise of Darkness final battle which is your last step to finishing Total War: Warhammer 2‘s Vortex campaign.
Total War: Warhammer 2‘s The Shadow & The Blade DLC is available on Steam. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.
Published: Dec 11, 2019 2:10 PM UTC