So you’ve competed TL2 +++++++++++N times then thought I’ll do that hardcore, then completed TL 2 with every build possible and collected a stash of uniques and sets at the same time that any gamer would be proud of just because you’re awesome, but what’s left to do in Torchlight II now?
To help with what seems to be a news drought on official Torchlight II news, we’ve took a quick peak at various mods from the Torchlight II modding community, ranging from Graphics and GUI mods, character mods, new weapon mods and finally close with mod lists to help find what you’re looking for.
We’ll also be writing some spotlight articles if we receive replies from creators that are happy to show off their work, so stay tuned for more of those. In the meantime check out these awesome Torchlight II mods below.
Originally a Torchlight mod from the creator Gorrim (kudos), KelinTor has kindly converted the textures to give the game a semi-Borderland’s cell-shaded style which does look quite good and best of all it comes in several modules for more customisation.
Showing off the menu screen with Kelintor’s cell-shade mod for TL IIIf a more darker Torchlight II feel is your thing, check out Heron’s adaption and modification of 3dcenter’s DLL shader, the same that’s been converted for Diablo III.
Closing up the graphics section we end up with ENB series, much like Skyrim this mod brings out the shadows but make Torchlight darker during the night.
One weapon mod of notice is the Hand Crossbows mod by Soryuu, as shown below not only looks cool but also makes Outlanders more sexy in a D3 kind of way.
If you like to keep your D2 rose tinted glasses for any game you play, you can try the Diablo font changer by Le Arionic and instructions to get it working by Azifaralus.
Character mods
Mernac Pretty face (Tats and colors) mod allows for extra customisation such as tattoos and even better, the author currently takes requests.
On the other hand Speakiusmaximus has a simple mod that enables all features of each character to be used on the other except for opposite genders, e.g a female Embermage face with an Outlander hair etc.
Torchlight II ultimate mod lists
If mods above aren’t enough to get you started, Gamekillz and Omnipotence have created large lists of mods and tools to help find what you’re looking for ranging from gameplay and class specific changes all the way to total overhauls.
Lastly if there’s mod you’d like mentioned get in touch using the send news above. Until then, let us know what mods you use, keep slaying, blasting, nuking and loot hunting with mods. Have fun.
Published: Feb 7, 2013 04:17 pm