It’s been quite a few months since Netflix shared the teaser trailer for its upcoming television adaptation of The Witcher. Back in July, the company showed off two whole minutes of the back of Geralt’s head, as well as some shots of him being all angsty. Which is all great, naturally; we want to see how the show is shaping up. The Witcher franchise belongs on the list of our favorite PC RPGs, after all. But (and this is a big, soapy but) we still weren’t satisfied with a teaser and some shots of Geralt actor Henry Cavill looking confused.
No. We demanded the one shot that summed up our love of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Today, Netflix heard our plea. Dear readers, I present, for your consideration:
Thank you, Netflix. Was that so hard? Now that we have the famous (or infamous, depending on the person) Geralt tub scene in full, real-life glory, we no longer have doubts on the show. Alright, to be fair, Netflix’s The Witcher could still hit the skids. But at least our demands are finally met.
Blood of men, blood of elves
The Witcher TV series stars Henry Cavill as a younger Geralt than the one introduced in CD Projekt’s first game outing. In the new trailer, much like the teaser before, we see Geralt hounded for his inhuman differences. However, the scene in which the townsfolk get ready to stone him is likely a flashback to the time he earned the moniker “Butcher of Blaviken.”
Beyond that scene, the trailer gives us a good idea on where the story takes place in Andrzej Sapkowski’s book series. Characters ask him to care for the young Ciri, while Geralt wants none of it. With that in mind, the show looks to start during the Blood of Elves novel, in which Geralt must care for Ciri, the “child of destiny,” before sending her off to Witcher boarding school.
We will know for sure when the show arrives on Netflix starting on December 20.
Published: Oct 31, 2019 03:02 pm