On Monday, December 7th, 2015, Otherside Entertainment launched a creepy looking webpage that showed a white ‘S’ and a countdown timer on a black background. Thankfully, a member of the RPG Codex Fourm messed around with the URL and found something interesting. The URL included text that read, “Join the original team behind Ultima Underworld on a quest to rekindle this legendary fantasy RPG series,” and a teaser image to show on the page simply saying “System Shock 3”.
Otherside is currently developing Underworld Ascendant. The Founder of Otherside, Paul Neurath, was the Co-Founder of Looking Glass Studios, the developer of the original System Shock. While it may be too soon to say anything for certain, the idea of System Shock 3 being developed is looking likely. To stay up to date on the project, join the mailing list here.
Published: Dec 8, 2015 04:38 am