A brief FAQ posted on the official Blood Bowl game forums suggests the title will no longer be supported, except in the case of a ‘major technical bug.’
‘VinceFromFocus’ states: “By now, most of the development team are focused on Blood Bowl Legendary Edition release … If a major technical bug threatens the system stability, we will of course fix such a problem as fast as possible. Nevertheless, there is no patch release planned for the moment.”
A further statement that “The current version of [Blood Bowl] runs without technical bugs (we are aware of several gameplay elements that will be worked on for the Legendary Edition)” has triggered anger in the community. Players have been quick to point out that the game’s own technical forums provide clear evidence that this statement is false.
With Cyanide and Focus remaining tight-lipped about the pricing and compatibility of their forthcoming ‘Legendary Edition’ of the game, this latest announcement makes it increasingly likely that the new version will make the original title obsolete.
Published: Apr 21, 2010 05:30 pm