It’s an iconic moment in Star Wars, Luke skimming down the Death Star trench and attempting to target a tiny vent. Why the the Death Star even had that one weak spot is still a mystery that only its architects can answer.
We’ll never experience the thrill of the ride in real life so the next best thing is to do it in VR, and thanks to Boone who also created the Rift Coaster demo for the Oculus Rift, it’s now possible. The demo is currently a little rough but it does show the possibilities.
You probably don’t have a RIFT dev kit kicking around but the next best thing for some space sim VR action would probably be Strike Suit Zero or even the upcoming Enemy Starfighter which we reported on recently.
With R2 in the back squeaking away, watch the X-Wing make it’s way down the trench.
Thanks RoadtoVR.
Published: Sep 24, 2013 01:19 pm