Spider-Man: Remastered finally escaped the confines of the PlayStation consoles and came to PC last month. So far, it seems to have survived the transition well. Its ‘overwhelmingly positive’ Steam user score suggests that Nixxes Software has continued to bolster its track record of developing optimized, polished PC ports. This should bode well for the PC port of Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which we knew lay on the horizon ever since the announcement of the Spider-Man: Remastered port back in early June. And now, Sony has revealed that the Spider-Man: Miles Morales port will release at some point during the fall.
The game now has both a Steam page and an Epic Games Store page, so players can wishlist it if they so choose. Additionally, Sony just uploaded a 30-second teaser trailer alongside the release window announcement that shows the PC port in action. Just from the little bit of footage shown, the PC port appears about as sharp as you’d hope. But, of course, players will need to test it out firsthand to get a full scope of all the visual touches and features on offer.
The gameplay certainly is looking good, so be sure to scroll down and check out the trailer.
A new hero rises
For those who don’t know, Spider-Man: Miles Morales takes place after Spider-Man: Remastered’s events. It stars the titular teenage protagonist, who assumes the role of Spider-Man once “a fierce power struggle threatens to destroy his new home.” From a gameplay standpoint, Miles stands out from Spider-Man: Remastered’s Peter Parker thanks to his “bio-electric venom blast attacks and covert camouflage power.”
Once all of Sony’s currently-announced PC ports, including the Spider-Man: Miles Morales port, finally release, one can only wonder what other games Sony plans on porting next. Hopefully, at some point, Sony will consider porting some of its older, more obscure games rather than almost exclusively focusing on its current-gen heavy hitters.
Published: Sep 23, 2022 8:14 PM UTC