Sons of the Forest has several weapons that you can use to keep baddies at bay. One of these is the Slingshot, which you can acquire fairly early in your run. Here’s our guide to help you get the Slingshot in Sons of the Forest.
Note: For more information, check out our Sons of the Forest guides and features hub.
How to get the Slingshot in Sons of the Forest
To get the Slingshot in Sons of the Forest, you’ll need to head to a cave that’s fairly close to the helicopter crash site. Let’s assume that you’re at the crash site, with the mountains to the west and the beaches to the east. From that spot, you’ll want to follow the river as it winds downhill going to the coast. Halfway there, you’ll see a cave that has a peculiar sight right in front of it: three dead soldiers impaled on stakes (as seen in the image below).
One of these soldiers has the Slingshot, so go ahead and pick it up. The weapon is one of the few early-game ranged weapons that you’ll have access to, apart from the Crafted Bow. Moreover, it only uses small rocks (i.e., pebbles) as ammunition, and it’s unlikely that you’d run out of these given that they’re scattered all over the island. It probably won’t take out ferocious cannibals or mutants. But you can use it to pelt animals if you want to hunt them for their meat and feathers.
In any case, make sure you remember where you got the Slingshot in Sons of the Forest. This location is quite important since you’ll return here much later. You’re going to need the Rope Gun for the Zipline, as well as the Rebreather. That’s the only way you can obtain the all-important Shovel.
Sons of the Forest is available via Steam.
Published: Feb 24, 2023 10:40 AM UTC