Slay the Princess: All endings guide

How many ways can you make the nightmare end?

The final release of Slay the Princess has roughly six final endings, not counting the routes themselves.

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It takes a lot of effort to slay the princess or even side with her, but there are several different ways to end the game. Here’s the Slay the Princess: all endings guide.

Slay the Princess: Final endings walkthrough

To define final endings, we’re counting every ending that makes the credits roll.

The easiest ending is to follow the Spectre route but accept the Narrator’s reward. That means taking the knife and killing her immediately, then rejecting the Voice of the Hero trying to question if you’re not happy. You’ll get a poorly drawn card congratulating you on saving everyone.

Related: Slay the Princess review: A one-of-a-kind engaging horror experience

The second easiest final ending involves choosing to walk away from the cabin on every second or third chapter. You eventually end the game completely by not providing The Shifting Mound with any vessels.

For the rest of the endings, you need to go through any four routes and provide The Shifting Mound with four different versions of the Princess. Once you’ve done that, you can do one of the following:

The final endings

  • Escape the construct as gods: Accept The Shifting Mound’s offer to become gods together by telling her you’re ready to move on and awaken. You’ll both crack through the confines of the construct and step into the beyond together.
  • Slay the Princess: Refuse The Shifting Mound, and click any options labeled “[Slay the Princess].” The Voice of the Hero takes you to her heart, inside the cabin. Take the knife and choose to slay her one last time. You’ll awaken to your godhood and the new world made by it with just you and all of the Voices, who are all happy it’s finally over (except Smitten). Now you have to figure out what to do with yourselves.
  • Reset Everything: Do the above (you don’t have to click Slay the Princess options, but any that question or refuse to do what she says) and take the knife, but sit with her instead of slaying her. You’ll be forced to reset back to the Main Menu no matter what you pick if you don’t slay her and agree to her plan to reset. She kills you with the knife and it resets back to Chapter One.
  • Leave Together: Don’t pick up the knife when the Voice of the Hero takes you to her. Sit with her and talk to her. Your only option after talking will be to leave the cabin together, and the game will end.

Whichever route you chose first changes how she reacts to you in the final cabin. If you didn’t take the knife she’s more like the Damsel, if you did she has the default tone. In addition, the Voices you hear at the end if you slay her correspond to the ones you heard in your routes. Include the Razor in your vessels if you want to hear all of them at once.

Whichever of these endings you want to consider your “true” ending is up to you. The game has no true ending, so it’s purely a matter of preference. Either way, whether you get one or try to get them all, you did it! This brings the Slay the Princess all endings guide to an end. You have unraveled the mysteries of the game and seen it to its ends. All that’s left is to play through for secrets.

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