Once you make it to Act Three in Baldur’s Gate 3, and you’ve defeated Ketheric Thorm, there are two final villains to defeat. Both Gortash and Orin are difficult in their own rights to take down. Before you can attempt to do so, they’ll individually present you with deals. Gortash wants you to side with him to control the Elder Brain, while Orin wants you to get rid of Gortash and fight to the death for the Elder Brain’s control. Let me answer whether you should side with Gortash or Orin in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Baldur’s Gate 3: Should you make a deal with Gortash or Orin?
This is a tough decision to make, as there are multiple endings in Baldur’s Gate 3 and choices to make with ranging consequences. Both deals are intriguing enough to contemplate making them, but they could also lead to betrayal. If you’re wondering whether you should side with Gortash or Orin in Baldur’s Gate 3, your decision is based off of your character’s morals. Both pathways have pros and cons, and you can also decide against both of their deals.
Although this isn’t a solid answer, I can explain more about why either decision can be both good and bad. In my playthrough, I decided to think about making a deal with Gortash, and I agreed to Orin’s deal. Then I betrayed Gortash by killing him, which made Orin happy. I fought her and defeated her, which also resulted in me saving the hostage she took. This ended up with me and my party facing the Elder Brain alone.
Essentially, I sided with Orin at first, and told Gortash I’d think on our deal, but I got rid of them once I thought it was the right time. After doing my research, you can really go about this any way you’d like. There are plenty of pros and cons to siding with either deal, which I’ll explain more below.
Siding with Gortash in Baldur’s Gate 3
If you decide to take Gortash’s deal, there are a few good outcomes from this decision. Now the Steel Watchers and Flaming Fists are on your side, who are powerful in their numbers. Of course, Gortash is a very powerful ally, as he runs Baldur’s Gate as a politician. If you want a strong ally when facing Orin, Gortash can help.
Sadly, if Karlach is in your party, she won’t be happy about your siding with Gortash. He betrayed her by ruining 10 years of her life, and she is disapointed about your decision. If your character’s morals wouldn’t match with this decision, don’t do it. Knowing that he’s prone to betrayal may also lead you to believe he could betray you at any moment.
Siding with Orin in Baldur’s Gate 3
Orin is an extremely dangerous foe, who spies on you with shapeshifters and will eventually take someone from your camp hostage. Luckily, siding with her will stop these doppelganger attacks, and you may be able to become an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal. This choice is perfect for an evil playthrough, especially if you’re playing as the Dark Urge origin.
Unfortunately, Orin is an obviously evil character, which may not align with your character’s morals. Sure, there are some benefits, but it may result in a very dark ending for your story. You’ll find out that she wants to sacrifice half the population of Baldur’s Gate for Bhaal, the God of Murder. In the end, you end up fighting to the death for control of the Elder Brain anyway, so it doesn’t seem like a worthwhile choice.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on Steam.
Published: Aug 28, 2023 6:06 PM UTC