Rainbow Six Siege players can now know what to expect going into the Crimson Heist season thanks to the full Flores loadout reveal today. Ubisoft released a gameplay video demonstrating how to effectively leverage the master thief’s abilities as well as what options to expect. Flores looks like a solid addition to the game, as he can manage a few different roles. But can he steal players away from other Operator options?
As of now that looks like a yes. His signature Ratero gadget is going to be a pain point for many Defenders in the near future. Flores wields the controls to a maneuverable explosive drone that can roll up into any tough situation to make an impact. Whether that is by creating a new breach point or attacking enemies directly will be up to you. The explosives are capable of attaching to surfaces and blowing holes in destructible walls or non-reinforced hatches.
Ratero drones are as easy to use as they first sound though. For starters, they don’t stop rolling once you deploy them. Choose your path wisely. They can also be destroyed by enemy bullets, electricity, lasers, and Mozzie’s Pests while moving. Mute’s jammers can also stop Ratero drones, so Flores players will have to be cautious when using them. It’s a different story though once the drones reach their target. Once the the short countdown sequence is initiated, the drones become bulletproof. They sound like solid for making offensive pushes if you know how to use them.
The best thieves come prepared
The rest of Flores’ loadout should work well with the Ratero drones. Players can choose between stun grenades or a claymore for the secondary gadget. He’ll wield either an AR-33 assault rifle or SR-25 marksman rifle as his primary weapon. The GSH-18 will come as the backup weapon. Flores himself is a medium speed, medium armor attacker that is guaranteed to have the coolest glasses in the game. We’ll see how he integrates into the meta soon enough.
Players will be able to access Flores and his explosive loadout when Crimson Heist begins for Rainbow Six Siege. There’s no official start date yet, but Ubisoft promises that the event is coming soon. To immediately get access to Flores, you’ll need to own the premium Battle Pass. However, patient players will be able to purchase Flores with Renown or R6 credits after two weeks.
There are plenty more changes coming with Crimson Heist. Ubisoft covered map changes, new features, weapons, and more in the full blog post today. Check it out for the full scoop.
Published: Feb 21, 2021 11:36 PM UTC