Paragon patch v.27.1 will be hitting the servers tomorrow and it’s getting a lovey with a new set of skins for Valentine’s Day.
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The shocking pink skins are for Howitzer, Serath, Dekker, and Crunch and they are part of the Carnival of Hearts event which starts on 7 February. If you want a free skin then anyone who plays on a team with someone wearing the Burning Heart Serath skin will unlock that skin for free at the completion of the match. Otherwise, you need to purchase them.
Now in with the important stuff. The patch notes which include Murdock nerfs and fixes for the new Aurora hero which launched last week.
Paragon patch v.37.1 Notes
- The Carnival of Hearts begins!
- Fixed collision on high ledge by jungle entrance.
- Players will no longer be able to reach the ledge.
- Fix for ranged bots attempting to attack jungle camps when out of range.
- Audio added for some card interactions on the frontend.
- Weekly Card Pack
- Hydroverser
- Clearheart
- Bloodsoaked armor
- Glacial Charge
- Recasting Glacial Charge or attempting to attack with Frozen Sword no longer stops Aurora mid-dash.
- Recasting Glacial Charge while dashing should now correctly bring the wall down.
- Using an ability (Frozen Simulacrum, Hoarfrost, or Cryoseism) will stop the dash and combo out as before.
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Fix for Hoarfrost occasionally causing damage twice in a row.
- Hoarfrost is now team colored.
- Updated FX for Frozen Simulacrum.
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Fixed a bug where an Empowered Forward Crunch! could target enemies farther away from him than intended.
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Fixed bug causing Howitzer’s Make it Rain visuals not matching the damage intervals.
- Deflector Shield
- Cooldown to 16/14/12/10 from 22/18/14/10
- Cooldown to 100/85/70 from 110/90/70
- Smash & Grab
- Grux’s Smash & Grab maximum pull height increased to 800 from 500 and minimum pull height to 800 from 500.
- Attack speed growth per level to 1.2 from 2.8
- Buckshot
- Armor shred to 5/10/15/20 from 6/12/18/24
- Long Arm of the Law
- Base damage to 180/240/300 from 180/250/320
- Reduced card scaling from 0.9. To .75
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Static Trap now emits heartbeat Sound Effects.
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Fixed audio for Serath’s Bless Me emote.
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Colossal Blow now once again correctly knocks enemy heroes back instead of simply interrupting them.
- Polish/Bug Fixing
- Fixed an issue where Steel could maintain his velocity and fly off edges with Bull Rush.
- PS4 controller UI Fixes
- UI should now update correctly when switching between alternate and standard controller layouts.
- Fixed a typo in the controller config menu.
- Fixed the alternate config button display for the ultimate.
- Now shows L1 + R1 instead of L1 + L1.
- Fixed the D-Pad buttons to be correct abilities.
- Fixed the recall (R3) to show “Recall to Base” in the default config and to be hidden in the alternate config.
- Added some new sounds to the frontend store UI.
- Updated loading screen tips to include walking strafing penalty tip.
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Published: Feb 6, 2017 11:47 pm