Life is Strange: Before the Storm gets some screenshots, details, dev diary
No rewinding, a stand-alone Max episode, some screenshots, and a dev diary are the highlights of this Life is Strange: Before the Storm ...
Bethesda’s reveals are all out this year; here’s when
Just in case you missed it, I figured this was worth a story of its own: everything Bethesda showed off at their conference ...
Quake Champions updated with new champions, maps, weapons
Bethesda have revealed a host of new bits and pieces for Quake Champions, which is currently in closed beta.
The Evil Within 2 heads out on 13 October, E3 2017 trailer reveals
As leaked ahead of time, tonight saw the reveal of The Evil Within 2. It's out in October.
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus takes the fight to America
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus has been revealed via a rather lengthy announcement trailer, showing a mix of cutscenes and gameplay footage.
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider asking for one more big kill
We're getting some more Dishonored, in which we'll be aiming to take down the Outsider himself.
Bethesda announce Creation Club, curated paid mods
It was never going to be long before someone else had a crack at a paid modding system, and Bethesda are going for ...
Doom and Fallout 4 making their way to VR
To kick off Bethesda's E3 conference, the company has announced that both Doom and Fallout 4 are going to be all VR-ified.
Code Vein E3 trailer shows more of the upcoming RPG
Vampires swing big swords in this new trailer from Bandai Namco.
PC Indies re-announced at Microsoft E3 2017 round up
Microsoft's E3 2017 press event featured several PC indie titles previously announced (or even already out). Here's a round up.
Shadow of War E3 2017 footage introduces Australian Orcs
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War got a five or six minute spot during Microsoft's E3 2017 event, including a bit more new footage from ...
The Last Night gets a moody 2D post-cyberpunk trailer
The Xbox E3 briefing brought with it a new trailer for moody post-cyberpunk game The Last Night, and it looks a little bit ...
Dragon Ball FighterZ announced, bringing anime fighting to PC
Dragon Ball FighterZ has been officially announced, bringing Goku and his chums to the PC in a 2D fighting game.
BioWare’s Anthem is an open-world cooperative action-RPG
After yesterday's tease, BioWare have finally revealed Anthem courtesy of a lengthy slice of gameplay footage.
Your Cuphead floweth over on 29 September
It's been a lengthy development process for Cuphead, first shown at E3 in 2014, but it now has a release date.
Ori and the Will of the Wisps announced, looks stunning
A sequel to Ori and the Blind Forest is coming in the form of Ori and the Will of the Wisps, which looks ...
Life is Strange: Before the Storm prequel trailed, not by Dontnod
Ooh, something interesting from the Xbox E3 briefing: Life is Strange: Before the Storm, a prequel to the rather excellent Dontnod title.
Crackdown 3 gets a new trailer and a November release date
As predicted, Crackdown 3 has made an appearance at the Xbox E3 briefing - courtesy of a shouty new trailer with Terry Crews.
State of Decay 2 coming to Windows 10 next Spring
State of Decay 2 gets an E3 gameplay(ish) trailer and a new release window of 2018.
Assassin’s Creed: Origins revealed to the surprise of no-one
As basically foreshadowed by all the leaks, Assassin's Creed: Origins is indeed set in Ancient Egypt and is coming in October.
Metro Exodus announced, coming in 2018
The first thing of any real interest at the Xbox E3 Briefing is Metro Exodus, sequel to Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light.
Forza 7 announced for Windows 10
Microsoft's first offering to the PC at their E3 event is a new Forza title.