Next month the Nioh 2 Complete Edition will be released on PC, and fans of the Souls-inspired hack-and-slash should be very happy with its content. It includes all of the DLC, plus tons of quality of life improvements. These things make it not only great for series diehards, but also a great starting point for newcomers to the series.
How do we know this you may ask? Well, we were lucky enough to speak with the director of the game, Fumihiko Yasuda, of Team Ninja. We asked about what changes players can expect from Nioh 2 Complete Edition, as well as some things the team had to leave on the cutting room floor.
Coming full circle
PCI: With the Complete Edition of Nioh 2 coming out, what was the team most excited about adding to the game that maybe they weren’t able to do the first time around? Whether it be due to time, money, or whatever.
Yasuda-san: All of the balance patches that were released as free updates are included in the CE version. In addition, a new instruction feature for new players has been added to the shrine which segments the initial controls tutorial section and allows players to transition to the tutorial.
PCI: If somebody hasn’t played the previous version of Nioh 2 yet, would this be a good place for them to start?
Yasuda-san: Yes, the CE version will have all of the DLC and every update that has been released up until this point. Many bugs have been fixed, and a lot of balances and improvements have been made to the game. As the game has been made a lot easier to play compared to when it was released, I hope that people that read reviews for Nioh 2 when it first came out will try the game out now to see how everything has progressed.
For fans new and old alike
PCI: The Valve helmet looks like it must have been really fun to design. Were there any other wacky or offbeat things that the team wanted to add in, but was unable to? On the flip side, was there anything that was added into the game that maybe nobody expected to get in?
Yasuda-san: We wanted to include a type of magic that allowed the player to temporarily become a Kodama since the first Nioh. It was considered again for Nioh 2, and it would have allowed the player to walk around and perform different actions as a Kodama, but unfortunately due to a number of issues, we had to give up on the idea.
PCI: Besides all the visual and audio improvements made, was there anything gameplay specific that the team was excited to add to the Complete Edition that they would like to let the players know about?
Yasuda-san: In regards to the PC version, we were able to provide mouse support in the menus, which was not included in Nioh CE. Nioh 2 CE for PC also provides the player with a lot more freedom to customize their mouse and keyboard this time around.
No such thing as too many yokai!
PCI: If money was no object, what one thing would you like to add to the game if you had a chance to? Whether it be something silly, or maybe even something like a guest character or crossover.
Yasuda-san: I would like to add even more incredibly powerful yokai and harmless yokai as well. There are so many yokai in Japanese folklore that we could add, but we were not able to put them all into the game. Kūbō was one yokai that I thought would be a perfect fit for a boss, I really wanted to include them into the game.
PCI: What would you like to let the readers know about the Complete Edition, whether they be series veterans or entering the world of Nioh for the first time?
Yasuda-san: We will be releasing equipment as a limited time bonus to celebrate the release of Nioh 2 CE. For anyone that is considering purchasing the game, please do not miss out on this opportunity! Even players that own the original version of Nioh 2 on consoles will also be able to receive the bonus.
Soon your journey will be complete
On behalf of PC Invasion, we’d like to thank Yasuda-san for taking the time to speak with us. Nioh 2 Complete Edition releases next month on Friday, February 5 and you can pre-purchase it right now on Steam.
Published: Jan 19, 2021 4:00 PM UTC