Modern Warfare has received weekly content updates since the game launched in November. However, one complaint surrounding the game is the lack of communication between the developers and fans. This was even acknowledged by art director Joel Emslie through Reddit comments. He stated that Infinity Ward was looking for better ways to communicate, and now the team has released their solution to this issue in the form of a community Trello board. They have also announced that they are working on 3v3 Gunfight, more loadouts, and Gunfight Tournament.
What’s coming?
Alongside the community board announcement, Infinity Ward unveiled several things they are currently working on for Modern Warfare. Gunfight 3v3 is one of these, following the release of Gunfight 1v1 earlier this week.
More loadouts are also being worked on and will be added “over the coming weeks.” In previous Call of Duty titles, players started with five loadouts. Then, after prestiging, they would receive even more loadouts to have more options for custom classes. But Modern Warfare did away with the original prestige system, leaving players stuck at five loadouts permanently. The fact that Modern Warfare easily has the most weapons customization options in the Call of Duty series makes having only five loadouts quite bothersome.
Finally, a Gunfight Tournament Beta went live in December and received massive amounts of praise and engagement. However, the community has heard nothing else about it since. Well, good news. The Gunfight Tournament will return soon, after “we’ve squashed a few bugs and added in new rewards.”
The board
The Modern Warfare community Trello board is an interactive way for Infinity Ward to keep players in the loop. It shows all the currently known issues that IW is working on, along with the status of the fixes. Before this, the community had no way of knowing about issues IW were working on, or if they even knew about issues that needed to be addressed. Hopefully, this new board helps to change that.
Published: Jan 10, 2020 06:16 pm