A modder who created a new game using StarCraft 2’s editor tools and World of Warcraft’s multiplayer elements has upset Blizzard, causing them to issue a copyright infringement warning.
The new spin-off, entited World Of StarCraft, posted demo videos on YouTube, but these have since been removed.
Replying to the warning, the modder posted in his forum: “”You created a tool that allowed us to do anything with your assets. You encouraged us to use your assets and were eager to see what we might come up with. You had to have seen this coming?”
“If you have a problem with what I am doing… or would like to talk about it. I’m all ears,” he added, saying he would be happy to change the title of the mod if it’s only that which is causing the problem.
Blizzard contacted Ryan Winzen an he posted he has posted an update on how things panned out:
The Deputy General Council from Blizzard contacted me last night to discuss the details of the “World of Starcraft” project. We talked for a while and apparently some people from Blizz were concerned I was developing the game somehow outside of SC2. Anyways I explained the details of the project to him and made it clear this mod was to be developed within SC2. After that was clear he obviously wanted the name to be changed… I’m trying to work with him to get the name Starcraft Universe (Currently in holding by Mille25) or Starcraft Chronicles. I am fully respectful of Blizzard’s Intellectual property, and they DO in fact own a copyright on “World of Starcraft” and have EVERY RIGHT to do what they did. If I want to continue this project I’m at the mercy of Blizzard’s good graces since they OWN it all.
Anyways yesterday I was contacted by Riot games in Los Angeles for a potential position in game design. I’m not special though I will have to go through the application process and testing like everyone else, and this is not a 100% guaranteed thing, and I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do at the moment. There’s a lot going on outside of what I’ve even mentioned here.
Literally overnight I’ve grown from a nobody to a guy that half a million people want to design a mod. I’ve had professional composers contact me, dozens upon dozens of game designers and programmers and organizers. Many professionals seeking a fun hobby project even though there is NO MONEY TO BE MADE. ( At this time premium maps is still just a concept )
At least his work has not gone to waste and RIOT Games has stepped up with a job offer so his talents hopefully won’t be wasted.
Published: Jan 20, 2011 11:43 am