Google have released a new video on Youtube showcasing their new tablet, Nexus 7. The new tablet will feature a 7″ and a powerfull quad-core processor, but with all that power under the hood, you may question the battery life.
Well this isn’t going to be a problem, as the device surprisingly can function all day off of its battery even with all that power under the hood.
Not only is it powerful but you can also expect the very best of Google’s Android OS, as Nexus 7 actually runs on the latest iteration of Android, version 4.1, also known as its codename Jellybean.
The reason for the use of 4.1 is because of the aim of cutting all lag from the device, whereas a lot of other recent Android devices still run on much older iterations of the OS. The improvements are clearly very beneficial as the device does appear to run hitch-free in the trailer, of course how well it runs with the processor being stressed heavily still remains to be seen though.
Aside from all this the screen also features a gorgeous 720p HD resolution for you to enjoy all your favorite games, books and movies from.
Published: Jun 29, 2012 12:25 pm