The Lollipop Chainsaw remake was announced last week, but some fans had noteworthy concerns. It won’t include all the music tracks, and Producer Yoshimi Yasuda mentioned its graphics would be “more realistic.” These revelations sort of threw off some excitement for the game, as the original was well known for its excellent soundtrack and colorful visuals. Today, Yasuda returned to Twitter to address the fans, covering topics ranging from design to censorship.
Yasuda writes that the studio, Dramagi Games, isn’t setting out to make something fans won’t recognize. The initial plan was to remaster the 2012 gore fest. However, the team hit its first major hurdle with music licensing. Yasuda writes that the music was a “great part of the original game’s feel.” Without some of those tone-setting beats, Dramagi instead decided to go for a “remake that is as close as possible to a remaster.”
There were also concerns that the story of Lollipop Chainsaw will change with the remake. The story is “a huge part of what fans love about the original game,” Yasuda wrote. It “will not be changed in the remake.”
Looking good
But what about those “realistic visuals,” promised for the remake? According to Yasuda, the studio does “not intend to change the aesthetics of the game.” In regard to the previous message, Yasuda meant that the remake will take advantage of modern hardware for better graphics. The studio, made up of former Lollipop Chainsaw developers, also don’t intend to give Juliet a new look.
“We do not wish to change Juliet’s design, and the assumption that we want to is baseless,” he wrote. “We were the ones who created Juliet’s model data after great trial and error ten years ago, and feel attached to her more than anyone else.”
Finally, Yasuda went over censorship concerns. The studio plans to discuss “the issue with the platform holders,” but can’t say much more than that. However, Yasuda reiterates that the team wants the Lollipop Chainsaw remake to “be as close to the original as possible,” and will negotiate for it to happen.
The remake is still in development, but the studio is aiming for a 2023 release.
Published: Jul 13, 2022 6:00 PM UTC