It’s Wacky Week at Gaming Enthusiast!
It’s less than a month to E3 and we’re getting giddy just thinking about it! So, in advance to all the excitement and craziness we decided that the theme of this week should be a little bit on the wacky side. So, this week, be on the lookout for content that has you scratching you head or laughing out loud. It might be bizarre, odd, silly, or funny. Whatever it is, it probably won’t be typical. Expect the unexpected during Wacky Week. And don’t miss any of this week’s unique content!
This page will be a hub for all the articles that go up during the week so you can keep track of the list as it gets updated. Our twin site, Nintendo Enthusiast, is also hosting the same theme, so we’ll keep you posted on their articles, as well!
Wacky Week Articles
–5 Signs That He’s The Right One For You
-The 5 Greatest Games To Bless This Generation
-Nintendo Enthusiast’s Exclusive Fake Interview With Shigeru Miyamoto
-The 5 Most Amazing Plants In Video Games
-Coffee Wars: Queequeg’s and Pequod’s
Published: May 18, 2012 04:06 pm