If there is something I won’t be able to do in Wuthering Waves without inevitably falling into utter anxious boredom, that is playing the waiting game. Here is how to wait for Xiaoyu’s message in Wuthering Waves.
Wuthering Waves: How to wait for Xiaoyu’s message
Waiting for Xiaoyu’s message is the very first step of the Shadows of the Past exploration quest in Wuthering Waves. Exploration quests as a whole are unlocked after completing the Ominous Star main quest and Shadows of the Past is triggered after completing the previous exploration quest called Hidden Dangers in Peaceful Life – which comes after We Promise, We Deliver. I know, that’s a whole exploration quest genealogy here.
If you are wondering whether you are experiencing a bug or the game is broken if you don’t receive Xiaoyu’s message soon, then here’s a little bit of information: there is nothing you can do in-game that will trigger Xiaoyu’s message. Yeah, I know, kind of annoying, especially if you try to wait for days using the wait mechanic. You see, to actually receive the message you are going to have to wait a whole 24 real-time hours from the moment you complete the Hidden Dangers in Peaceful Life quest.

Now, I know that’s a lot of time for the ones avid to play more Wuthering Waves – believe me, that’s me – but this will give you a chance to try more types of content like facing world bosses, completing side quests, and even just exploring the whole Solaris-3 world as a whole.
After all, the quest will require you to face a lot of icy foes, the Lampylumen Myriad boss, and countless lines of dialogues – oh, I know you love them too and you don’t skip them whatsoever – so you should probably be ready yourself up by leveling up your Resonators and your weapons – and your Echoes, for that matter.
Published: May 25, 2024 11:43 PM UTC