Everything is better with friends, especially fighting the darkness in Destiny 2. Finding your fireteam can be done a number of ways on the multiple platforms that Destiny can be played on. Knowing how to use join codes in Destiny 2 is a quick and easy solution to connecting with your clan. These simple steps will have you matched up in no time.
Destiny 2: Using join codes in a few easy steps
The first step is getting your ID or that of the person’s fireteam you want to be a part of. These codes enable cross-platform play to be possible without a lot of username crossovers. It will be your usual player name with a series of numbers after it.
- Open your roster menu and locate your friend’s Bungie ID. This will be their name followed by a series of numbers. Copy this name down.
- Once you have their player ID, open up the chat window with the Enter button.
- Type the word /join followed by a space.
- Enter the player ID of whoever it is you would like to join.
- Hit the Enter button.
- If you would like to invite them to your fireteam, type the work /invite followed by a space and then their player ID.
Things to note when you use join codes
If the player you are inviting is not on your friends list, make sure they have their fireteam settings public. If you are inviting, make sure you do the same.
You may find your own ID by hovering over your name on the clan page of the settings menu. From there it can be easily sent to anyone on any platform.
You may encounter a problem when you use join codes in Destiny 2 if cross-play settings are turned off. Head into your settings to opt back into cross-play if it has been disabled. It can only be disabled on Xbox and PlayStation.
Published: Feb 28, 2023 08:30 pm