There isn’t much to the Sepapa Shrine in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, an already out of the way Shrine on the right area of the map across from Hyrule Castle, but its final hurdle may trip up some players. Here’s a look at how to solve the final Sepapa Shrine puzzle in Tears of the Kingdom.
The Sepapa ball room puzzle explained
First of all, the Shrine itself is located right here:
- Screenshots by PC Invasion
The first couple puzzles are nothing special. Recall the platform to get on it to the next level.
- Screenshots by PC Invasion
Recall the floating wood platform in the water to get across.
Set the vines on fire to get a chest with a Strong Construct Bow.
- Screenshots by PC Invasion
Light the torches to get the door to open.
- Screenshots by PC Invasion
It’s the final puzzle that is more visually stumping than any of those combined.
- Screenshots by PC Invasion
You have this ball that has to go in two different pits to open the gates. Most notably, it’s the one higher up that opens the first gate, and the one lower down that opens the second gate.
Ultrahand can’t reach far enough to move it from the first gate. But you know what can? Recall.
Take the ball and set it in the upper pit, then the lower pit. You then have to go through the first door and Recall the ball to let it roll back into the other pit, and then you can escape the Shrine with your Blessing.
Good thing time warping powers have extended range, right? Now you’ve solved the final Sepapa Shrine puzzle and are closer to getting more heart containers to avoid being oneshotted by everything in sight. Progress is progress!
Published: May 15, 2023 03:45 pm