Alternatives is a puzzle that takes a lot of brain power to mentally map out, but I’ve got you covered. Here’s how to solve Alternatives in The Talos Principle 2.
How to solve Alternatives puzzle in Talos Principle 2
There’s a red and blue laser and two RGB converters. What you have to do is take the first RGB converter and connect it to both red and blue. Then connect the second converter to the first converter and the blue laser, then to the red circle to unlock the next area.
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You’re now halfway through 2. The second area gives you two more RGB converters and a red and blue circle to activate simultaneously. Note, that if you try to cross the laser streams, they cancel out and do not work. So we have to activate both without overlapping lasers at any point. So in order to not cross the laser streams, do the following:
Take one of your new RGB converters and connect it to your red and green-emitting RGB converters in the first room, then to the blue circle. With the other, connect it to the other new RGB converter you just used and the green one in the other room, then to the final red circle. All solved, it should look like this:
By not connecting the new ones to the existing laser sources and instead the other RGB converters, you don’t risk crossing the already complicated web of lasers. That lets you walk forward and complete the puzzle.
And that’s how to solve Alternatives in The Talos Principle 2. Whew, that many RGB converters at once…is a lot. But you did it without imploding your brain.
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Published: Nov 2, 2023 01:00 pm