Meredith Stout is one of the many characters you can romance in Cyberpunk 2077. But unlike most of those characters, she doesn’t get much screen time in the game. In fact, depending on how things play out, you may only see her in one single scene. But depending on your choices, you can romance Meredith and have a short scene with her. Here’s how you can romance Meredith Stout in Cyberpunk 2077.
Cyberpunk 2077: How to romance Meredith Stout
You’ll encounter Meredith Stout early in Act 1 during The Pickup. You’ll have an optional objective to call Meredith Stout to gain help with picking up the Flathead from Maelstrom. Now when you first meet her she won’t be very nice to you at all. To be honest it’s hard to see her as ever being a romance option in the game from her introduction alone. But playing along with what she wants you to do will make things work out. Also, you can trigger this romance with either male or female V.
Related: Cyberpunk 2077 romance guide: Judy, Panam, River, Rogue, Solomon, Songbird, and more
When you finally meet Meredith in Cyberpunk 2077, she’ll give you a credchip that she wants you to use to buy the Flathead from Maelstrom. And if you chose the Corpo life path, you can suss out that the credchip is infected with a virus that’ll infect Maelstrom’s systems. Whether or not you accept this chip doesn’t matter, but you may as well take it.
Once you’re sitting down with Royce, you either need to use the infected credchip to buy the Flathead, or shoot Royce there and then. Either way, Royce will leave this quest dead. The one thing you absolutely can’t do is tell Royce about the infected chip. This will cause Milltech to storm the factory and you won’t be able to kill Royce this way. Plus, you won’t see Meredith again as she’ll be replaced with Anthony Gilchrist.
You’ll know you’ve done the quest correctly if Meredith greets you outside the factory after retrieving the Flathead. Talk to her outside and then continue through the game. At some point during Act 2, you’ll get a text from Meredith that contains a location. Just head there and you’ll get the romance scene with Meredith Stout in Cyberpunk 2077.
Published: Sep 25, 2023 5:48 PM UTC