
How to open all Sealed Spiritsprings and all locations in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree Duplicate Remembrances
Image: FromSoftware

You will find Spiritsprings in the Land of Shadows in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, however you’ll find them to be blocked by spectral piles of rocks: cairns.

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How to unlock Spiritsprings in Shadow of the Erdtree

As you come across Spiritsprings in the different regions of the Shadow Realm, you’ll notice that some have small piles of phantom rocks (cairns) blocking them. You cannot use these Spiritsprings, and interacting with the spectral cairns won’t do anything.

This is because you actually need to find a second cairn nearby and destroy that to unlock the Spiritspring. You can access this information in-game by buying the Note about sealed Spiritsprings from Moore, next to the Main Gate Cross site of grace for 1,000 Runes.

Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree Note Spiritsprings
Screenshot: PC Invasion

These cairns look exactly the same as the ones on the Spiritsprings themselves, and they’ll be very close by. Note that these cairns may be on different elevations, meaning you may have to get creative to reach their position.

Not much will give them away, so keep a sharp eye out. Attack the cairn to destroy it, and the Spiritspring will work like normal.

All Spiritspring and Cairn locations in Shadow of the Erdtree

To make life easier, I’ve catalogued all the Spiritsprings and their respective cairns in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree.

In all images, the circles denote where a Spiritspring is and an X denotes where a cairn is. If the proximities between these features are clustered and confusing, I will elaborate on their locations.

If I have excluded a region, that is because no Spiritsprings can be found there.

All Scadu Atlus Spiritsprings and Cairns

There are five Spiritsprings in Scadu Atlus, although only two are blocked.

As the Scadu Atlus is a wide and stretching region, I’ll split it into north and south Scadu Atlus for clearer imaging and direction.

Here are the two Spiritsprings and cairn available in north Scadu Atlus:

Scadu Atlus Spiritsprings Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree Southern
Image: PC Invasion

Here are the three Spiritsprings and cairns in south Scadu Atlus:

Scadu Atlus Spiritsprings Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree
Image: PC Invasion

Please note that the cairn in southern Scadu Atlus unlocks the Spiritspring to its left. The Spiritspring on the lower right side is not blocked.

All Ruah Ruins Spiritsprings and Cairns

There are five Spiritsprings in Ruah Ruins, placing it second for the most Spiritsprings present. As only two Cairns are available, it is easy to see which cairns unlock which Spiritsprings.

Here are the five Spiritsprings and cairns in Ruah Ruins:

Ruah Ruins Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree Spiritsprings
Image: PC Invasion

Note that for the left-most cairn, you will need to seek higher elevation.

All Southern Shore Spiritsprings and Cairns

There is only one Spiritspring in Southern Shore, and it’s unlocked, so not much to worry about here.

Here is the one Spiritspring in Southern Shore:

Southern Shore Spiritsprings Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree
Image: PC Invasion

With no cairn, you can use it immediately like the ones in the Lands Between.

All Jagged Peaks Spiritsprings and Cairns

There are six Spiritsprings in the Jagged Peaks, and none of them need unlocking. This will make exploration in this intrepid land much easier.

Jagged Peaks Spiritsprings Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree
Image: PC Invasion

Spiritsprings are essential to exploring this unforgiving landscape.

Now that you know all there is to know so far about the Spiritsprings and their cairns in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, you can explore knowing that you’re ready for any locked Spiritspring. Whilst you explore, make sure you keep an eye out for those Miquella Crosses.

Aidan Lambourne
About The Author
Aidan Lambourne is a contributing writer for PC Invasion, with almost a couple years of experience in the industry. He has written about Roblox extensively, although has keenly covered new releases and indie games. A passionate writer and gamer, he still can't really believe he gets to indulge in both for a career.