At the beginning of FF7 Rebirth, you won’t have a ton of Gil just yet. So how can you make money fast in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?
If you’re struggling to make money in FF7 Rebirth, we can help you out. Here are some easy tips on how to get some quick Gil.
FF7 Rebirth: How to farm Gil
You can earn cash in this game in multiple ways, but which are the best? You can make some fast money in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth by selling valuable materials and completing side quests. At first, I wasn’t sure if I should keep or sell the pricey gems that I collected.

Sell gems
I came to realize that materials like gems were only used for crafting gear and accessories, and since they don’t require a ton, I’d sell the majority of your gems. Many materials you collect in the open world are useful for crafting items with the Item Transmuter. Things like Emeralds and Rubies can be good for crafting gear and accessories, but they’re also worth 100-150 Gil each.
Sell extra crafting materials
Let’s say you have around 10 Emeralds sitting in your inventory. I’d sell half of them just so you’re not holding more than you need, which can make you good money. There are also other materials you’ll quickly rack up that you can sell, although they’re not worth as much. I eventually collected around 100 of some common materials, so selling about half was worth it.
Related: How to get SP fast in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Sell old, underpowered gear
It would help if you also remembered to sell your old gear and accessories that you aren’t using anymore. If you find a new staff for Aerith to use, make sure to sell her old one. I often forget to do this and will accidentally horde old items that aren’t good anymore.

Side quests
Another way you’ll make a ton of money in FF7 Rebirth is by completing side quests. You can find these by checking notice boards in towns, or just by finding them in the open world. One early side quest I completed after leaving Kalm within the first couple hours of the game left me with 3,000 Gil.
Overall, just remember to sell old gear, sell gems and materials you have too much of, and complete all side quests you come across. Speaking of farming, we have a guide on the best AP farming spots in FF7 Rebirth.
Published: Mar 1, 2024 3:50 PM UTC