It’s getting crazy in Infinite Craft. People are now creating elaborate things like Roblox. There seems to be no limit yet, and I’m willing to find out how far I can go with my creativity.
As I’ve been experimenting with Infinite Craft, I’ve found some cool things to make. One of them is Final Fantasy, and I’ll show you how to make it.
Infinite Craft: How to make Final Fantasy
While making the classic RPG is cool and rewarding, it’s a task. Unlike making Fortnite, you’ll need to prepare for a long session. However, if you don’t want to sit on Infinite Craft for a couple of hours, my advice would be to just simply scroll down and see the steps for yourself as a reference.

Making your adventure in Infinite Craft
The most annoying part about creating Final Fantasy is that a lot is going on. You’ll be jumping around from side to side because all the parts are from all walks of life. So take that as a warning.
- Mud + Mud = Clay
- Earth + Clay = Pottery
- Pottery + Potter = Vase
- Explosion + Vase = Shards
- Vase + Shards = Mosaic
- Mosaic + Russia = Matryoshka
- Matryoshka + Russia = Doll
- Salt + Salt = Salt Lick
- Salt Lick + Salt = Cow
- Cow + Salt Lick = Milk
- Periodic Table + Element = Chemistry
- Periodic Table + Chemistry = Science
- Science + Science = Technology
- Technology + Technology = Computer
- Technolgoy + Computer = Hacker
- Computer + Hacker = Virus
- Virus + Virus = Bacteria
- Bacteria + Milk = Yogurt
- Yogurt + Yogurt = Cheese
- Cheese + Cheese = Cheese Wheel
- Cheese Wheel + Cheese = Mouse
- Mouse + Knight = Cat
- Cat + Cat = Lion
- Lion + Doll = Toy
- Salt + Cow = Cured Meat
- Cured Meat + Salt = Ham
- Ham + Ham = Pig
- Pig + Cow + Hamburger
- France + Salt = French Fries
- Hambuguer + French Fries = Happy Meal
- Happy Meal + Happy Meal = Childhood
- Toy + Childhood = Play
- Human + Human = Family
- Human + Family = Baby
- Baby + Human = Child
- Child + Baby = Teenager
- Child + Teenager = Adult
- Paris Hilton + Adult = Celebrity
- Celebrity + Sk**k = Kim Kardashian

That was a lot, right? The good thing, we’re a little over halfway there.
Create your Final Fantasy in Infinite Craft
This next part isn’t as long, but you’ll still be doing quite a bit of backtracking. Since Final Fantasy is a specific title, you’ll be surprised by what goes into the element.
Note, that you’ll need Japan to complete this. If you don’t have it, use this guide to unlock the prompt.
- Monkey + Book = Curious George
- Curious George + Periodic Table = Curium
- Curium + Gay = Curious
- Curious + Curium = Questioning
- Questioning + Gay = Bi
- Bi + G = Big
- Kim Kardashian + Po** = A** (The game will tell you exactly what these are)
- A**+ Black Hole = Donkey Kong
- Donkey Kong + Black Hole = Bowser
- Bowser + Italy = Mario
- Mario + Play = Game
- Game + Human = Player
- Player + Game = Gamer
- Amazon + Internet = Kindle
- Technology + Kindle = E-Book
- E-Book + Game = Gamebook
- Gamebook + Gamer = Adventure
- Adventure + Game = Quest
- Bronze + Copper = Brass
- Brass + Paris Hilton = Trumpet
- Trumpet + Brass = Music
- Lighting + Music = Electric Gutair
- Wood + Electric Guitar = Guitar
- Electric Guitar + Japan = J-Pop
- J-Pop + Guitar = J-Rock
- J-Rock + Game = J-Game
- J-Game + Quest = RPG

Both of the aforementioned sections are the hardest parts and you’ve now done them. Let’s move on to the final touches.
Putting it all together in Infinite Craft
The two ingredients you’ll need are RPG and Japan. The latter can be unlocked in various ways but I’ve linked a guide for the fastest above. Once you have everything in order, put RPG on top of Japan and there you have it. You’ve created a version of Final Fantasy.
If you keep on challenging yourself, try out the Gameboy with our guide.
Infinite Craft is free to play via the browser.
Published: Feb 21, 2024 6:05 PM UTC