The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom features the return of the Lost Woods, a staple in Zelda games since the very first installment. This time, though, the entry process is a little different. Here is our guide explaining how to get to Korok Forest in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Tears of the Kigndom – how to get to Korok Forest
Korok Forest is sheltered deep within the Lost Woods, which are in the Great Hyrule Forest west of Death Mountain. The entrance is guarded by a bank of fog, and pressing against it simply sends you back to the entrance. You can’t brute force it or even fly in from higher ground.
That leaves one possible avenue of approach that’s new to this game. To get to Korok Forest, you must enter from the Depths. So much for ‘Go north, west, south, west to the forest of maze.’
Travel to the Depths and make your way to the underground version of Korok Forest, which is called Korok Grove. The fastest way to get there is to enter the Minshi Grove Chasm in the overworld. See the map above for its precise location.
Once you reach the Depths, head a short distance north through the forested area. Helpfully, the Poe souls mark the route. Then travel northwest through thicker forestation that leads through a wide ravine. You can probably get this far by gliding from the chasm entrance. Ahead, you should three Lightroots in relatively close proximity. Any of them are useful, but the one directly ahead of you is your destination, Rikonasum Lightroot. You have to scale some moss-covered roots to reach it.
Once you reach and activate Rikonasum Lightroot, look nearby. To the south, you will see stairs leading up to a wide platform with torches burning at its four corners. Stand near the center of that low platform and use the Ascend ability. You’ll rise through the ceiling and keep going. When you emerge, you will find yourself in Korok Forest. The next thing you should do is activate the nearby Musanokir Shrine, so you can skip the above process in the future.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available for purchase from the Nintendo Store.
Published: Jun 9, 2023 3:54 AM UTC