In Diablo 4 getting through the story is only one part of the fun, the other is always trying to get new and better gear. You’re going to constantly be changing everything about your character. From their gear to the buffs, you’re tweaking will be endless. Since the main goal is about getting stronger, you’ll always be on the lookout for new gear. A weapon that you may come across in your travels, named The Grandfather has been quietly becoming a fan favorite. It can be tricky to acquire, but if you want to know how to get The Grandfather in Diablo 4, this guide may be for you.
Diablo 4: How to get the Grandfather
It seems like Blizzard Entertainment wants us to invest deeply in the end game of Diablo 4. This is because all the best weapons are found after the game’s main story. However, just like gear like the Tempest Roar, you need to be playing on a high difficulty in order to find it. That means you must be on at least World Tier 3. The higher tiers usually drop gear which can only be found in those levels.
The interesting part is that the two-handed sword isn’t a Unquie or Sacred piece of gear, it falls in the Legendary tier. This may confuse some since Legendary gear can be found in World Tier 1 and 2. But for one reason or another, you must be on Nightmare or Torment.
Assuming you’re on World Tier 3 or 4, most high-level loot seems to drop randomly, unfortunately, this is the case for The Grandfather. You may be able to cut down the search time by looking in dungeons. As mentioned in other guides, this may be the best way since high-level gear is known to drop more in these areas.
Who can use The Grandfather?
Even though it may take some time to acquire, you won’t need to play a specific character. That’s because it’s not limited to one class. But even in that case, we recommend using it with a build and class that’s designed to use two-handed weapons. If you’re playing as Rouge, you can do that, but it may make things tougher. Mainly because the Rouge class is about speed, and The Grandfathers is a powerful yet slow weapon. Consider that before using this two-handed sword.
The Grandfather’s stats are impressive to begin with. The one that stands out the most is that it ignores durability loss, so each time you die, you won’t need to repair it. This weapon could do wonders for you and is certainly worth the time searching for.
Diablo 4 is available now via
Published: Jun 16, 2023 5:55 PM UTC