Patch 6.45 has offered Blue Mages a level cap increase, and players can now level the job up to 80. The Blue Mage is unique in many ways, but chief among them is how you acquire new skills. For this job, you need to slay beasts across Eorzea to unlock new unique abilities. With this in mind, many are asking how to get the Slippery Armadillo in FFXIV. A better question would be, where can you find the Slippery Armadillo, and why would you want to fight it? Let me explain how it works.
How to get Slippery Armadillo in FFXIV
Blue Mages learn their unique abilities in the heat of battle when they fight specific enemies. Once a foe has performed a learnable skill, defeating them grants the skill to the Blue Mage for future use. It’s important to remember that the enemy has to perform the attack before you slay it, or you won’t learn a thing.
The Slippery Armadillo teaches the Rehydration Skill. Rehydration restores the Blue Mages HP with a potency of 600. In other words, it’s a fantastic survivability tool and one worth learning. This ability has a short cooldown, so it’s always ready when you need it, and it’s spammable if events take a turn for the worst.
You can find the Slippery Armadillo in Amh Araeng, a region in the Shadowbringers DLC. The closest Waypoint is Mord Souq, and if you head northeast, it won’t take long to find your target.
If you’re struggling, the coordinates are X33.0 Y9.1, and I’ve circled the location on the map above.
Is it worth learning to play Blue Mage?
As previously mentioned, Blue Mages are a unique class in FFXIV and a ton of fun! Their biggest downside is you can’t use the job everywhere, and unless you’re in a premade squad, you can’t tackle Dungeons or Raids. Sadly, this makes the job restrictive for solo players, and the lower-level cap doesn’t help either.
Blue Mages trivialize some content in the game, particularly the Mog Tome events that appear before every major patch. One popular team setup for these is a solo Tank and three Blue Mages. If you want to terrorize the beasties of Eorzea speedrun style, there’s no better way to do it. Patch 6.45 added a ton of cool new features to the game, including the Magnificent Mandeville Weapons. Check out our guide if you’ve not got yours yet.
Published: Jul 20, 2023 12:50 PM UTC