Among the many materials and resources available in Diablo 4, there are certain ones that are rarer than others. All across Sanctuary, you can pick up herbs like Gallowvine or Brightshade in the overworld. But there are some herbs like Angelbreath that is harder to come by than others. If you’re wondering how to get and farm Angelbreath in Diablo 4, we’ll explain how.
Where to find Angelbreath in Diablo 4
Unlike more common herbs and materials in Diablo 4, Angelbreath is pretty hard to come by. It can be useful when crafting Elixirs or Incense with an Alchemist in town. Angelbreath looks similar to lily-of-the-valley, and doesn’t show up often. But where exactly can it appear in Sanctuary?
Sadly, it’s hard to pull together a guide on how to get and farm Angelbreath in Diablo 4 due to the randomness of its spawning. Angelbreath can show up in any of the five regions of Sanctuary. It isn’t known to show up in one certain area, meaning you’ll just have to pick up every herb as you go.
Also, some Caches you receive from completing quests contain goodies like herbs. Otherwise, travel around the overworld on foot, and try to pick up whatever herb you come across. If you play Diablo 4 enough, you’ll end up stumbling upon the bright looking flower at many points.
Another thing that is disappointing is the fact that you can’t Refine other resources into Angelbreath. Normally, Alchemists can use a Refining ability to convert one resource into another. Sadly, it seems as though Angelbreath is so rare that it can only be obtained throughout the overworld. A few high-leveled Potions and Incense require Angelbreath, so don’t stress too much about this resource during the early game.
Although I cannot give you a specific farming route for Angelbreath, at least you know that it can spawn in any region of Sanctuary. I’m nearly finished the first three Acts, and I already have around 20 Angelbreath, despite the fact that I haven’t deliberately tried to farm it.
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Published: Jun 12, 2023 5:08 PM UTC