Patch 6.45 raised the level cap on Blue Mage to 80 and added new spells from the Shadowbringers areas of the game for Blue Mages to add to their arsenal, on top of a snazzy near gearset. If you’re eager about Blue Mage content, here’s a quick guide on how to get all new Blue Mage Spells in FFXIV 6.45.
There are 20 new spells in total to collect. As per usual, you have to wait for the mob to use the spell before you can kill it and try for the chance to learn the spell. Only three of them are from overworld mobs this time, the rest are in duties.
You’ll have the easiest time farming the spells if you bring along friends who are not Blue Mages to heal and DPS for you, especially for the duties, or a full party of Blue Mages for farming purposes gives you a 100% spell learn chance. But failing that, you could always try the combination of Moon Flute, Bristle, and Off-Guard to see if you can take the boss down quickly.
All Blue Mage Spells in FFXIV 6.45: From the Overworld
- Screenshots by PC Invasion
Goblin Punch: Hobgoblins on the Kholusia beach right outside of Stilltide around (36.8, 27.8).
- Screenshots by PC Invasion
- What’s that behind me?
Rehydration: Slippery Armadillo in Amh Araeng at Qasr Sharl (Around 32.6, 9.1). Take the Mord Souq Aetheryte and go northeast.
- Screenshots by PC Invasion
Schiltron: Long-tailed Armadillo in Amh Araeng at Ladle (Around 15.6, 28.3). You’ll need to go all the way south from Twine.
From Dungeons
- Candy Cane: Aenc Thon, Lord of Lingering Gaze, final boss of Dohn Mheg
- Right Round: Greater Armadillo, Malikah’s Well, because apparently Armadillos are very talented!
- Conviction Marcato: Forgiven Obscurity, final boss of Mt. Gulg
- Wild Rage: Spectral Berserker, final boss of The Heroes’ Gaunlet
- Peat Pelt: Mudman, first boss of Matoya’s Relict
- Sea Shanty: Nixie, second boss of Matoya’s Relict
- Deep Clean: Seeker of Solitude, first boss of The Grand Cosmos
- Mortal Flame: Lugus, final boss of Grand Cosmos
- Apokalypsis: Therion, final boss of Amaurot
From Trials and Raids
- Divination Rune: Titania, The Dancing Plague
- Being Mortal: Titania, The Dancing Plague
- Winged Reprobation: Innocence, The Crown of the Immaculate
- Ruby Dynamics: The Ruby Weapon, Cinder Drift
- Dimensional Shift: Eden Prime, Eden’s Gate: Resurrection
- Laser Eye: Eden’s Promise, Eden’s Promise: Eternity
All Blue Mage Spells in FFXIV 6.45: Other
- Breath of Magic: From the Level 80 Whalaqee totem, received from Wayward Gaheel Ja in Ul’dah Steps of Thal (12.5, 12.9).
- Force Field: A reward from learning 120 spells.
This is how to get all Blue Mage Spells in FFXIV 6.45. Those duty bosses aren’t going to defeat themselves, so it’s time to join some party finders. Happy hunting!
Published: Jul 19, 2023 9:31 PM UTC