The Warband Bank is an excellent feature added in World of Warcraft: The War Within that allows players to seamlessly transfer items between characters on their account. If you’re being hit with the “The bank is being used by another member of the Warband” error, here’s how to fix it.
What does “The bank is being used by another member of the Warband” mean?

Only one character in your Warband can access the Warbank at one time. If a character on your account is currently using the Warbank, you’ll receive the “The bank is being used by another member of the Warband” error on any other character.
It’s important to note that your Warband consists of every character across your (Blizzard) account in one region. Even if you have multiple WoW accounts on the same account, you will only be able to access the Warbank on a single character.
Blizzard also uses the “The bank is being used by another member of your Warband” message when the Warbank is temporarily disabled. If you’re 100% sure no characters are using the Warbank, then this is likely the issue. Stay tuned to @BlizzardCS on X to keep up-to-date on any emergency changes.
How to access the Warband Bank
Your Warbank Bank is accessible through the “Warbank Bank” tab at any bank in the game (including Jeeves!). You can also access your Warbank Bank anywhere via the Warband Distance Inhibitor every 2 hours.
How to unlock the Warband Distance Inhibitor

Upon logging in for the first time from Patch 11.0, you’ll receive the first Warband quest, which tasks you with visiting Ratchet. Complete this very short questline to unlock the Warband Distance Inhibitor spell for all of your characters, which allows you to access the Warband Bank anywhere.
Once unlocked, the Warband Distance Inhibitor is added to your Spellbook (N) under the General tab. You can either use it directly in your Spellbook or drag it to one of your Action Bars. Now, that’s what I call mobile banking.
What can you add to a Warband bank?
The Warband Bank can be used to store any item that isn’t soulbound across your entire account. You can also store gold, making it a handy way to transfer money between alts.
Every Warband Bank tab can hold 98 items, and players can purchase five total tabs. The first will only cost you 1,000 gold, though each tab costs substantially more than the previous. It’s an eye-watering 2.5 million gold for the fifth tab.
No restrictions exist on what characters can deposit as long as the item isn’t soulbound. Have a character with only gathering professions? Chuck those materials into the Warband Bank and have your crafter character cook something up.
Speaking of Warbound items, did you know that there’s a free Warbound 34-slot bag hidden in The War Within? If you’re low on space, now’s your time to grab it!
Published: Aug 25, 2024 1:12 AM UTC