If you are logging on to Destiny 2, but are met with an infinite loading screen that states that the servers are “currently being throttled,” then you’ve come to the right place to find the fix. Though the Destiny 2 servers “currently being throttled” message isn’t an error you need to worry about, it is something that will keep you from entering Destiny 2 and enjoying the game. Because of that, here is how to fix the servers are “currently being throttled” error in Destiny 2.
Note: If you’re experiencing any Destiny 2 error codes like the chicken error, check out PC Invasion for guides to fix them.
3 ways to fix Destiny 2 servers “currently being throttled” error
There are three things you can do if you are stuck on a Destiny 2 servers are “currently being throttled” screen. While this screen isn’t an error and is simply a message telling you that there are too many players trying to get into Destiny 2 at one time, there are a few things you can do in the meantime to ensure you get into Destiny 2 as soon as possible.
Download the new patch
The first thing you can do if you are on a “currently being throttled” screen is check to see if you have downloaded the most recent patch. Usually, the Destiny 2 servers are only throttled when there is a new update and the Bungie servers are implementing the new changes.
After downloading the most recent patch, you can confidently wait in the servers “currently being throttled” line and know that you won’t get booted for not downloading the latest patch when you’re allowed entry.
Check out what the new patch has in store
While you are waiting in the “currently being throttled” Destiny 2 loading screen, you can check out what new content is coming to the game. For example, I am currently waiting on a Destiny 2 servers “currently being throttled” screen and, to pass the time, I’m looking up all the ways to unlock the Solstice 2023 armor so right when the servers let me in, I know exactly what to do.
Wait for Bungie to fix their servers
While Bungie promised that Season 21 would have better servers, I’ve experienced the worst Destiny 2 servers ever during Season 21. That said, the servers “currently being throttled” is a byproduct of Bungie trying to update their servers and currently failing.
The best we can do right now is wait patiently for the servers to become un-throttled so we can get into Destiny 2 and enjoy the new content. For now, though, we have to wait and hope that Bungie fixes these slow servers soon.
Published: Jul 18, 2023 5:20 PM UTC