Halloween has kicked started in Monster Hunter Now. The mobile version of the game has players hunting..well monsters will have tons of things to do for October. One of which is hunting the ultra-rare Pink Rathian, or cherry colored. This variant is fairly difficult to fight from what the community has claimed. However, if you manage to beat the monster, you’ll be rewarded with some cool goodies. While the monster is rare and pops up randomly, you might through the whole event without running into one. But if you read this guide, we’ll show how to find the Pink Rathian in Monster Hunter Now. Trust me, it’s worth it.
Monster Hunter Now: How to find the Pink Rathian
To have this monster appear for you, you must be playing during the Pink Rathian event. It runs from October 9th to the 15th and starts from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the last day. Note, that all the times are local, so you don’t have to wake up at 2 in the morning to find one. Next, you must have completed Chapter 9, and be ranked 11. This unlocks the hunts for the monster.
However, even with the times and dates above, the monster will have a low drop rate. If you want to get a higher chance of seeing Pink Rathian, play on Friday, October 13th from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. It’ll also appear the following day on October 14th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Again, these times are local.
Regardless of when you play, the Pink Rathian won’t appear in every biome. Your best bet would be to head to a forest biome in-game.
This monster is hard to beat, but it seems to be weak to elemental attacks like thunder. So make sure you have weapons or armor that has that attribute.
Pink Rathian drops
Much like most monsters, the Pink Rathian drops parts that can be crafted into its own armor set called Rath Heart. Upon making each piece, it’ll be level 5 already. Below is the set and what skills are associated with each piece.
- Rath Heart Coil: Critical Hit (Grade 5)
- Rath Heart Braces: Windproof (Grade 5) Critical Eye (Grade 6)
- Rath Heart Helm: Special Boost (Gradel 5) Windproof (Gradel 6)
- Rath Heart Graves: Level 2 Special boost (Grade 5) Dragon Attack (Grade 6)
- Rath Heart Mail: Dragon Attack (Grade 5) Focus (Grade 6)
You’ll also get a weapon set that has three weapons in it. They are:
- Sword and Shield: Poison elemental with a Perfect Rush combo
- Bow: Dragon elemental with the Dragon Piecer
- Long Sword: Posion elemental with Spirit Helm Breaker
Other Monster Hunter Now articles.
Monster Hunter Now is available now via iOS and Android
Published: Oct 10, 2023 9:19 PM UTC