Not only do you need to find water in The Front, but you also have to keep your hunger satiated. In this open-world survival online shooter, you must survive as a resistance fighter sent back in time to stop the rise of a tyrannical empire. Like any survival game, you must find ways to get food, so let me explain how you can get food in The Front.
The Front: Where to find food
There are a few different ways in The Front to handle your hunger once you start your first playthrough. How you can find food in The Front is either through harvesting bushes, collecting mushrooms, or hunting animals.

At the beginning of The Front, you probably won’t be able to take on a creature. I personally found fighting animals quite difficult, since I died to a fox a few times before I was finally able to take it down. So before you can get armor and weapons, just collect wild berries from bushes. Simply press the ‘F’ key to collect the bush, and there’s a chance to gain a wild berry or two.
Related: Where to find Plant Mucus in The Front

Make sure it’s in your hot bar, and then press the number button on your keyboard associated with the slot it’s in. You can do the same with mushrooms if you collect them. Mushrooms are practically anywhere and will grow in forest areas.
At some point, you’re going to run out of wild berries and mushrooms, so you’ll have to go hunting. Make sure you’ve crafted a decent weapon and some armor. My barely level 10 character only found foxes and boars around level 40, who could decimate me in a few hits. I recommend you hit them, and walk out of their reach once they try to hurt you.

Once you finally take down an animal, use your axe to chop it up, and you’ll receive a ton of meat. Now, at this point, I’m guessing you’ve already created a fire pit. Take your meat to the fire, make sure it’s lit with some fuel, and start cooking your meat. I wouldn’t leave your meat, or any of your food, uneaten for too long because they can go bad.
You’ll see how soon they’ll go bad by the countdown timer on their icon in your inventory. Once you cook your meat, you’re free to eat them. If you look at the bottom left corner of your screen, you’ll notice the hunger bar fill up quickly after consuming meat. Wild berries and mushrooms don’t help your hunger too much, sadly.
Eventually, as you start to unlock the skills for it, you can farm food. But this guide focuses on the easiest ways to gain food at the start of your playthrough in The Front.
The Front is available on Steam.
Published: Oct 11, 2023 2:10 PM UTC